We appreciate all the individuals who contribute their time and talents. We always welcome new volunteers.
- Box Office Manager: Roger Tarpy
- Box Office Assistants: Kathryn Blue, Judy Peay
- Venue Manager: John Keating
- Finance and Investment Committee: Bill Weiser, Allen Cooke, Jack Haldeman, Jim Larsen, David Welch
- Hospitality: Elaine Cummings, Pamela Hawkes, Jean Roberts, Elisa Trombetta
- Music Librarian: Marj Gottschalk-Trone
- Photographer: Danny Polyson
- Section Leaders: Linda Baker (Soprano), Patty Ballentine (Alto), David Hamilton (Tenor), David Welch (Bass)
- Ushers: Guild friends and family members
- Website Administrator/Systems Administrator: Susan Campbell Fournier